Many have touched on this subject already so excuse me if you have already seen some of these views. I do think you will find some new or noteworthy. Kanye started a shit-storm after his tweets and then appearance on TMZ where he was widely taken out of context for saying that slavery was a choice. He actually stated that “When you hear about slavery for 400 years, FOR 400 YEARS (changes his pitch and emphasis), that sounds like choice.” [caps and parenthesis are mine] Seconds later he says we are mentally in prison. Then, the host seeks to clarify and he responds, “Yeah, right now we are choosing to be enslaved.” Could that be more clear? So let’s do the math.


1619 – 2018 = 400 years*
1619 – 1865 = 247 years
(counting the starting and end years)

*This 400 year argument is cited online a lot sometimes in reference to a prophecy in Genesis which Kendrick Lamar also referenced on his Damn. album which just won a Pulitzer! That album expresses ideas MUCH more controversial than this but it went over everyone’s heads. I digress.

So, for 154 years (1865 – 2018) slavery has been outlawed. Therefore, if you still identify as a slave, that’s a choice and you would be MENTALLY enslaved. That’s what Kanye is talking about and there are many deeper levels to take it. The media does not talk about how Kanye is saying everyone is still in bondage and that “black” people are even more so than others – currently it is mental in nature. There are also legal aspects to how “white” and “black” is coded in America and it actually does not have to do with color. There is no “black” race, nation, culture or creed; black is crayon color, not a nation. Same thing with “white”. These are legal statuses. That’s why you hear Obama correct a radio host after he finished serving in office by saying “I don’t like being referred to as the first black president because black has no standing in law.” Meaning CURRENTLY it has no standing. I think he would know as former president and professor of constitutional law at the University of Chicago. Many people/Twitter user out here pretending to be experts on slavery and race, but they are at level 1.


I am also not an expert but I have been studying Moorish Science for over a year and the historical insights and insights on law are remarkable. It is not an easy subject to tackle because it requires much discipline, dedication and focus to untangle years of public/private education that is coming straight from the government. We all know the phrasing that the victors write history. Yes, the same victors that admit to slaughtering millions of native Americans and enslaving millions of “blacks” they supposedly brought on ships from Africa. “Black” people have been proven by archaeological artifacts and historic structures including megalithic rock formations and artwork to have lived in the Americas for THOUSANDS of years. As much as 75% are estimated to have already been here when good old Cristobal Colon came over in 1492 on a journey authorized by the tame Roman Catholic Church in search of spices and the real Jerusalem (or Heru) — story for another day…


In summary:
I watched the full interview. I watched it in context and read his tweets before and after in real time. You can watch the interview for yourself in the link attached. Most of the things (or the one thing about physical bondage/slavery being a choice) that people made fun of Kanye for were inaccurate. Ask him for clarification if you have doubt. But he already clarified. So, why run with the jokes and insults? Sounds like hate and immaturity to me.

The fact that people responded like they did lets me how fake “woke” they are, how conforming their nature is, how notions of slavery are embedded in people’s brains like religion and how Kanye is on to something. Imagine if Kanye or other celebrities gave the people real Moorish Science or history. Celebrities and world leaders dress up in the Moorish gear and fezzes in private. Comedians associate with various leaders of the movement before their comedy routines but no one wants to step up and really speak their mind for fear of saying something no one has heard or digested before; for fear of challenging the status quo; for fear of being black-balled or having their career mysteriously collapse in a matter of days. And I get it. Just look at Kanye. Turned himself into a meme when the very people in that room were clapping at the things he said and learning from him. By Kanye doing this, he is creating a fresh discourse for the public – no matter how certain they are of 400 year old history told to them by their conquerors.


05 Sep 1945, Washington, DC, USA --- Wearing a Shrine fez he received from Imperial Shrine Potentate, William Woodfield, of San Francisco, President Truman shows his newest desk gadget. --- Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS
05 Sep 1945, Washington, DC, USA — Wearing a Shrine fez he received from Imperial Shrine Potentate, William Woodfield, of San Francisco, President Truman — Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS


I am not saying Kanye is Dr. King, Malcom X or Noble Drew Ali. I am not even saying that he is often right with his rants. But he does have a large audience. His message is one of love. And he is not afraid to challenge authority. Many people can and do learn from him. I hope he can choose his words more carefully and take the time to research before he speaks on any topic. But I definitely support his right and drive to be creative, free-thinking and different. For that reason, it is “Moor Kanye Please” from me and I look forward to his next album. Please NAS finish your album though. For real, we need that.


© 2018

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