The Divine Feminine is not well represented by Nicki Minaj or Cardi B.


I am not saying they are without talent. In fact, Cardi lamented that some of her more serious songs don’t get any play and that her “pussy” songs get all the attention.


The popular feminine voice in hip hop is not really a diverse voice. Instead of bragging about fucking your girl, it’s bragging about fucking your man. Everyone gotta be on the lookout as we notch more ruined relationships on our gender neutral belts. Next, both sexes espouse non-stop money worship; it is becoming more and more overt. Then, we need to shame or put men down if they don’t have enough money or a big enough dick in the same way the male rappers put women down if they don’t give good enough head or aren’t attractive enough or listen to what they say. Popularized women rappers glorify violence to some extent, but not quite as much as on the men’s side. They also glorify drug use and robbing so long as you get to the top. You go girl, you do you! They had it coming for em… ok.


So at the macro level, this is all very important because music is mind control. Music has a huge influence on culture, like it or not. Songs streamed millions of times on the radio are bound to impact the culture, opinions, behaviors and lifestyles. Toxic songs create toxic mindsets. No, not automatically but to the minds of the youth and easily malleable, it does have some form of influence.

Music is big business. Songs and singles are not put out accidentally. There are cap structures, contracts, publishing, deals with other companies and brands for product placement and there are topographical limits placed on artists. In other words, censorship. Yeah, it’s there. Lupe Fiasco has documented his struggles with Atlantic Records at length if you want some proof of this. The issue is not a lack of amazing music from talented artists of both sexes. The issue is what gets pushed by the machine – by the corporations who own the masters and the promo budgets to get the radio play and placement on top playlists/blogs. That is very much still a thing although MAYBE not as bad as before.


Let’s look at some double standards in hip hop, shall we. What would the response be if thousands of songs talked about killing “k*kes” or “crackas” instead of “n*ggas”? Just think about it. Violence against other “black” men is referenced as a staple in hip hop. Yes, some of this has to do with the reality of life in certain areas. And perhaps like action movies, violence sells. But, this has become so routine, we almost don’t even notice it anymore. The n word is widely accepted for “black” people to say and I am no way arguing that that should be taken away (infantile and stupid argument from well-meaning but ultimately misled and misread white people in control positions). However, my point is that the songs are about killing each other. Non-stop. Not sure if a study has been done on this but if we were to count the references of violence in hip hop and who are the targeted population of violence against, it is a MASSIVELY high proportion of against “n*ggas”.


These albums are put out by mainly white/Jewish owned labels. But if you mention that you are “getting Jewish money” in a complimentary way in a mainstream song that was released by a Jewish owned label (Sony Music by way of Epic Records), you and anyone who quotes it owe a public apology. Here were the lyrics:
“I don’t drink no liquor, but I’m smokin’ on mimosa (Yeah)
We been gettin’ that Jewish money, everything is Kosher (On God)”

Now, there was an entire song produced called “Arab Money” by Busta Rhymes (complete with the vocoder/autotuned chorus):
“La ilaha illa Allah, ha la ili, hay yo
Hili b’Allah, hey, hili bay yo
We getting Arab money
We getting Arab money
Hala sheiki, ha lini falla
Mili ha lan shi inni mala
We getting Arab money
We getting Arab money”

"Arab Money" “Arab Money”

Genius notes: “The lyrics are Arabic, but he took some liberty with the pronunciation. He is singing part of the shahada, the Islamic creed… These lyrics cause a lot of controversy since it is forbidden to sing verses from the quaran.”

Not sure how controversial though, I remember everyone singing it and not many apologies coming out immediately like sheepish boys.

You see the difference? One group is not only respected, the respect is demanded or there is consequences. The other group is encouraged and funded to talk non-stop shit about their own kind and promote violence, drug use, drug selling, abuse of women/men, fornication etc. Now, I am not saying these artists are not responsible for their own lyrics and for “selling their soul” as nearly all of them say they do (any of high success). However, I am questioning, why is this at the forefront of American entertainment for decades?

Prodigy, Mobb Deep Prodigy, Mobb Deep

We all have a part in what music becomes popular by what we consume. Party music will always have its place. I like it too. But I think we all can agree there can be more balance in what is consistently promoted. Songs can be fun, sexy and even aggressive without becoming tools used to destroy society or a community/group of communities.

To tie this back to the Divine Feminine (which I have not defined here, you can Google it yourself and yes is not exclusively tied to women either – the spirit is in all of us), women are not being well represented in hip hop. There is better talent out there with better messages, better wordplay, better storytelling, better references, better content, etc. There certainly is. Let’s make them more famous and let’s do that for the men as well.

What we are getting from Cardi B and Nicki Minaj, in all reality, is more masculinity. And it is the toxic kind. The message is the same. And we are tricking young women to believe this is empowerment.

“We’ll have a race of babies that’ll hate the ladies, that make the babies”

Touché Tupac. Touché.


© 2019


Many have touched on this subject already so excuse me if you have already seen some of these views. I do think you will find some new or noteworthy. Kanye started a shit-storm after his tweets and then appearance on TMZ where he was widely taken out of context for saying that slavery was a choice. He actually stated that “When you hear about slavery for 400 years, FOR 400 YEARS (changes his pitch and emphasis), that sounds like choice.” [caps and parenthesis are mine] Seconds later he says we are mentally in prison. Then, the host seeks to clarify and he responds, “Yeah, right now we are choosing to be enslaved.” Could that be more clear? So let’s do the math.


1619 – 2018 = 400 years*
1619 – 1865 = 247 years
(counting the starting and end years)

*This 400 year argument is cited online a lot sometimes in reference to a prophecy in Genesis which Kendrick Lamar also referenced on his Damn. album which just won a Pulitzer! That album expresses ideas MUCH more controversial than this but it went over everyone’s heads. I digress.

So, for 154 years (1865 – 2018) slavery has been outlawed. Therefore, if you still identify as a slave, that’s a choice and you would be MENTALLY enslaved. That’s what Kanye is talking about and there are many deeper levels to take it. The media does not talk about how Kanye is saying everyone is still in bondage and that “black” people are even more so than others – currently it is mental in nature. There are also legal aspects to how “white” and “black” is coded in America and it actually does not have to do with color. There is no “black” race, nation, culture or creed; black is crayon color, not a nation. Same thing with “white”. These are legal statuses. That’s why you hear Obama correct a radio host after he finished serving in office by saying “I don’t like being referred to as the first black president because black has no standing in law.” Meaning CURRENTLY it has no standing. I think he would know as former president and professor of constitutional law at the University of Chicago. Many people/Twitter user out here pretending to be experts on slavery and race, but they are at level 1.


I am also not an expert but I have been studying Moorish Science for over a year and the historical insights and insights on law are remarkable. It is not an easy subject to tackle because it requires much discipline, dedication and focus to untangle years of public/private education that is coming straight from the government. We all know the phrasing that the victors write history. Yes, the same victors that admit to slaughtering millions of native Americans and enslaving millions of “blacks” they supposedly brought on ships from Africa. “Black” people have been proven by archaeological artifacts and historic structures including megalithic rock formations and artwork to have lived in the Americas for THOUSANDS of years. As much as 75% are estimated to have already been here when good old Cristobal Colon came over in 1492 on a journey authorized by the tame Roman Catholic Church in search of spices and the real Jerusalem (or Heru) — story for another day…


In summary:
I watched the full interview. I watched it in context and read his tweets before and after in real time. You can watch the interview for yourself in the link attached. Most of the things (or the one thing about physical bondage/slavery being a choice) that people made fun of Kanye for were inaccurate. Ask him for clarification if you have doubt. But he already clarified. So, why run with the jokes and insults? Sounds like hate and immaturity to me.

The fact that people responded like they did lets me how fake “woke” they are, how conforming their nature is, how notions of slavery are embedded in people’s brains like religion and how Kanye is on to something. Imagine if Kanye or other celebrities gave the people real Moorish Science or history. Celebrities and world leaders dress up in the Moorish gear and fezzes in private. Comedians associate with various leaders of the movement before their comedy routines but no one wants to step up and really speak their mind for fear of saying something no one has heard or digested before; for fear of challenging the status quo; for fear of being black-balled or having their career mysteriously collapse in a matter of days. And I get it. Just look at Kanye. Turned himself into a meme when the very people in that room were clapping at the things he said and learning from him. By Kanye doing this, he is creating a fresh discourse for the public – no matter how certain they are of 400 year old history told to them by their conquerors.


05 Sep 1945, Washington, DC, USA --- Wearing a Shrine fez he received from Imperial Shrine Potentate, William Woodfield, of San Francisco, President Truman shows his newest desk gadget. --- Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS 05 Sep 1945, Washington, DC, USA — Wearing a Shrine fez he received from Imperial Shrine Potentate, William Woodfield, of San Francisco, President Truman — Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS


I am not saying Kanye is Dr. King, Malcom X or Noble Drew Ali. I am not even saying that he is often right with his rants. But he does have a large audience. His message is one of love. And he is not afraid to challenge authority. Many people can and do learn from him. I hope he can choose his words more carefully and take the time to research before he speaks on any topic. But I definitely support his right and drive to be creative, free-thinking and different. For that reason, it is “Moor Kanye Please” from me and I look forward to his next album. Please NAS finish your album though. For real, we need that.


© 2018

The Monetization of Life: Reflections on our Condition

Sitting at a Del Taco on the outskirts of Las Vegas the thought occurred to me…

From the moment everyone of us is born, every thought, every breath, every second has been monetized. We have totally and completely been bought and paid for as a species. And even though other animals, species, plants, insects, floral and fauna do not use nor never will need money to live we so very dearly do.

Think about it. Even when you are sleeping at night. That is a paid for expense. It costs money to sleep because of rent or homeownership. And not a trivial amount. It cost quite a lot to be able to sleep at night.


As I am writing this very note, it is costing me. Not just the opportunity cost of what I could be doing to earn money. But I paid for my meal. I paid for my half hour of legal time being able to sit at this fast food restaurant when the exchange for food took place. I paid for the phone service monthly and the expense of the device.

I looked outside and saw some teenagers talking on the sidewalk in front of some local businesses. One had a basketball and the others were just swaying back and forth laughing and joking. Then it struck me. They could be loitering. Those businesses need to have clear access to their entrance and they were blocking it slightly. The police could legally be called. But where should they go? There is nothing but commercial businesses and shopping districts for dozens of blocks. Very few parks, courts or public places to go and gather.

I asked myself where are these children really safe in their neighborhood? You could say their homes but even that is not always a good atmosphere and the authorities can still be called for any reason by people you may or may not know. So we have people policing us, tracking us, watching us and profiting from us that we really don’t know.

And it all makes sense. Like, I agree it all works. Kind of. We have this concept of money. We know it is inherently worthless but because people we do not know bestow it value and enforce contract law around it we also agree it must have value and use it as a means of exchange. That means of exchange is not backed by anything real but can be traded against or with other means to create real assets. The whole system rests on perceived value. And it motivates every single action we take. Every one.

Money is a factor. Perhaps the main factor that motivates most human activity. Our society can be organized into different groups or levels. We can make it relatively simple or extremely complex. At the bottom level (from one vantage point) we have the individual. The solo actor. The person. The entity. The white male. The black female. The gay teen. The Jewish grandmother. The (adj) + human being. Than we have the family. Parents, brothers and sisters. Groups of persons related by blood. Then extended family. Strong links but not immediate. Grandparents, cousins, uncles and aunts. Next, in America, we jump to the neighborhood, then town/city, then state, then country. Only problem is after going from immediate family to town we start to really not know each other. The concept of stranger is there. They may not be my race or religion or family or political preference or any number of things that seemingly divides us. But whether it be the town, city, state or country we are bound to each other because of a body of laws and commercial statutes. Our lives are literally by the book whether we like it or not. You cannot choose to participate. Sure you can choose to vote or not to but the regime exists whether or not I give my consent.


There is a certain uneasiness I have felt in the pit of my stomach. Since childhood. Once I really started to study civics, US and world history. We don’t have it right. We never have. People are coerced into action. Through various means. Mostly through to avoid financial or physical hardship. Why do we go to work? Do we actual enjoy the products we make, the services we offer, the people we interact with? To some extent yes but would you do it for free? Would you go to work, slave over those deadlines, pull all nighters, memorize useless statistics, would you go and do that? For free? No. The answer is no you would not. So why do you do it? You need to make money. Money to eat, money to sleep, money to drink, money to have your teeth cleaned, your back cracked, you feet covered, your hair combed, your eye brows plucked, your ass wiped, your dick sucked. Might have gone too far but you get the picture. Money is the motive.

But how can we get rid of it? Nearly everything is privatized. You need a goddamn permit to drink rain water. The earth is not yours. The earth has been bought and paid for by materials that come from the earth. The concept of ownership is the main problem. The earth cannot be owned and we are part of the earth and we are fucking owned. Bought and paid for. Slaves. All of us. I do not own myself. I am in debt. And even if I weren’t in debt I am still owned. Money is not real but tender for debt. The country has been bankrupt so many times and for so long we forget. Our birth certificates hand us over to the state and their jurisdiction and we don’t see it because this stuff takes place at a hospital and not a so-called government office. But isn’t every single establishment a government office? Don’t believe me? How would you define whether a business belongs to you or not.

Think about a McDonalds or a Del Taco. What makes them those things? The stream of money funnels from you to the owners of the establishments. But not all of it. No not all of it. Maria the cash register is still paid. Ronnie the cook. Manny the manager. They are paid. And Joe the branch manager. And Susie the store owner. And Steve the real estate leasor. You get it. Many people all paid. But the money, the PROFITS, those all go back to the decision makers at an undisclosed location at the corporate headquarters. They never flipped a burger, exchanged a twenty, took the trash out, put on a uniform, maybe never entered a branch. They might not even consume the product. But they own it. They profit from it. They plan the future profits. Now let’s zoom back out again. This McDonalds has to pay its owner too. Big bad McDonalds has to pay its taxes. If they don’t, they cannot operate legally. Now all of the transactions that are made are taxed. And of the money we make is taxed and given to people we don’t know so they can make laws to ensure we continue giving them money. It’s a viscious feedback loop. The government seeks to break up monopolies but they themselves are a massive monopoly taking in more money than any other institution and doing so with the actual physical threat of violence or imprisonment (complete loss of any semblance of freedom) if we fail to pay them.

Every 2 or 4 years we battle over who to be forced to pay, how much they should charge us and how poorly they used our money in the past and then expect different results this time. But those in power don’t know you. They don’t care about you. They most likely never met you. They just know they have your money and they have the power to extract more from you. Since they have the money, they can pay for an army. They can pay for a police force. They can pay for an education “system”. They can build prisons. They can build border walls. They can manufacture tanks, jets, warships and nuclear bombs. They can tell other owners what they can or cannot do.


Initially the right to bear arms was to be a balance for the people. They could feasibly overthrow the government because the scope of the government was that small. A couple muskets and rifles per family was enough to keep the bureaucrats in check. Is that the case today? No. No it is not. The government OWNS the arms industry. Regulated completely and we fight to be allowed to hunt in this country. They say it is for our benefit because we cannot be trusted with the weapons. We would hurt ourselves. We are hurting ourselves now. Yes. That is true. There is violence in this country. Caused by abject poverty, lack of resources, access to education etc. But the answer isn’t giving them (the thieves) more money to trickle down to us. The entire system is improperly aligned and motivated.

This country and all countries only exist on paper. Brands are not real. Corporations are artificial. The representatives do not represent you. Someone who actively lobbied to take 40 percent of what I earn, what I have and what I will have, absolutely does not represent me.

So what do we do? This is where it gets scary and the point is driven home that our situation is fucked up.

Let’s consider resistors.

A single resistor. They will be crushed. But civilly maybe. Don’t pay your taxes. Eventually you will go to jail. Freedom gone. Life still there but wages garnished and imprisoned. It’s the elephant in the room. Magazines or newspapers don’t talk about it or if they do it is negative characterization on behalf of the individual. Like Rapper X or Y has evaded the IRS and is now locked up. The disdain is towards the rapper for being stupid or silly. Silly to what? Expect not to be robbed of earnings. How silly.

A group of resistors. Riot police. Pepper spray. Smoke bombs. Real bullets. Crowd dispersed. People jailed. Story over.


A city of resistors. This happened in Oklahoma. Now maybe these weren’t resistors. Rather black people operating successfully. Entire city burned to the ground. No punishments. No retribution.


What if all citizens actively resisted? Stopped going to work. Stopped buying things. Stopped paying Uncle Sam. Stopped feeding the beast if you will. Not likely that could ever be coordinated and the govt and its entities would fight to the bitter end against it.

We act like we are civil. We act like we follow the law. We act like we care. But we are merely acting. We don’t care to be civil. We don’t care to follow the law. We don’t care to even care. We are organized, categorized, systematized, marginalized, forecasted, jailed and codified. When we gather to learn in mass, to declare in mass, to nationalize in mass we are determined to be extremist. Black Identity Extremist. Too proud of being black. Conspiracy theorist. Believer of things alternative to the mainstream news. And who owns the news? Who can shut down the news? Who does the news pay to operate? The government.

So we can pretend we are not tracked, are not watched, are not discriminated against. But we cannot pretend we are not taxed. We cannot pretend we are not owned. We cannot pretend we are not controlled. Because the government and its tentacles do own you outright. If they didn’t what gives them the authority to tax you, to jail you, to torture you, to murder you, to compel you to murder others and to some extent feed you and cloth you?

Closing note (added later, not at Del Taco): I say all this while realizing — in some ways, this is the best we have come up with so far to organize society. Free trade, systems of laws, governing bodies, taxes, duties, police and military all make sense. To a degree. What I am doing (hopefully) by pointing out the practical and theoretical dark side to how these things operate is asking can we do better and if so how? Technology continues to improve — and people continue to run faster, jump higher, recover better, learn more and live longer. This is great. But are our political systems, ruling bodies and legal systems also evolving with society? Is the gap between the rich and the poor shrinking, do our people (races) get along, do we feel valued, is justice carried out consistently, can we count on a standard of living? The first step is to question, the second to demand answers, the third to give them ourselves and the fourth to implement. I’ll let you decide where we are in that process.

© 2017

what if progress was rendered obsolete?
and this moment was deemed to last forever
and whoever you are with right now, to your left and your right
they were your companions, your brothers and sisters
and you couldn’t leave them, you couldn’t leave this place, forever
and all you really had the opportunity to do was think

what if i said we wouldn’t have access to cell phones
or gmail, no facebook or twitter, no itunes or ipods
what if i were to say there were no deadlines or projects, assignments or events
what if i were to say there would be no sports on tonight
that American Idol was canceled, and that Jersey Shore was an afterthought
what if i were to strip away completely all distractions and miscellaneous information
every part of our programmed conscious and subconscious minds
all the things that continuously run through our minds
like a never ending stock ticker or news feed
with no real overarching purpose or theme
just a series of trails carved through a thick wood
with no destination or road signs along the way
what if the drums now beating in the background
were signals to a greater realization
what if i were to ask you what would you have left?

what would you have left when the bread and circus are stripped away
what if i were to ask myself the same question: what remains?
and I know there are a set of laws the universe follows but we have yet to catch up on
and i question, why do i convince myself that because I am not connected
i should not care; that because I am not affected, I have no obligation to act
why do i ignore the principals I was raised upon
why do i sacrifice whats right in order to fit in
why do others do the same?

why is death the only thing that is assured?
why is life so fragile and hatred so strong
(turning point)
but then I remember that love is more powerful than fear!
that music has the power to heal
that nature can reawaken sleeping souls
that we beat the odds everyday
that tranquility is still accessible
that peace has been given to us if we would only accept the gift

that my struggle is our struggle, your struggle is my struggle
that emptiness is is only the realization that there’s something better out there
that the tears on this paper serve to mark a new beginning
and that every time the sun rises we have another chance
to live freely and to love purely
and we are not merely pawns of corporations or governments
that we can choose how we will think, how we will act, how we will overcome!
because I am not content with what has been accepted
I cannot wander in the woods any longer
I will not stay in the darkness, shrouded by indecision
I will move into the light, I will share what I have learned
and receive what others have come to understand
simply put, I will SOLAR WIND, the VERB

and you know what
it’s real easy
it’s real easy to get down on yourself man
it’s real easy to believe what everyone else is telling you
everyone else is telling you “you can’t do it!”
“you can’t do it man, look at you, you can’t do it”
“how you ever gunna be a rapper?”
“how you ever gunna pursue your dreams?”
but you know…
if you have that passion inside of you
if you have that drive inside of you
if you have that belief inside of you
if you have that faith inside of you
there ain’t no one who can tell you what you CAN or CANNOT do man
i’m a believer, i’m a believer



© 2011