what if progress was rendered obsolete?
and this moment was deemed to last forever
and whoever you are with right now, to your left and your right
they were your companions, your brothers and sisters
and you couldn’t leave them, you couldn’t leave this place, forever
and all you really had the opportunity to do was think

what if i said we wouldn’t have access to cell phones
or gmail, no facebook or twitter, no itunes or ipods
what if i were to say there were no deadlines or projects, assignments or events
what if i were to say there would be no sports on tonight
that American Idol was canceled, and that Jersey Shore was an afterthought
what if i were to strip away completely all distractions and miscellaneous information
every part of our programmed conscious and subconscious minds
all the things that continuously run through our minds
like a never ending stock ticker or news feed
with no real overarching purpose or theme
just a series of trails carved through a thick wood
with no destination or road signs along the way
what if the drums now beating in the background
were signals to a greater realization
what if i were to ask you what would you have left?

what would you have left when the bread and circus are stripped away
what if i were to ask myself the same question: what remains?
and I know there are a set of laws the universe follows but we have yet to catch up on
and i question, why do i convince myself that because I am not connected
i should not care; that because I am not affected, I have no obligation to act
why do i ignore the principals I was raised upon
why do i sacrifice whats right in order to fit in
why do others do the same?

why is death the only thing that is assured?
why is life so fragile and hatred so strong
(turning point)
but then I remember that love is more powerful than fear!
that music has the power to heal
that nature can reawaken sleeping souls
that we beat the odds everyday
that tranquility is still accessible
that peace has been given to us if we would only accept the gift

that my struggle is our struggle, your struggle is my struggle
that emptiness is is only the realization that there’s something better out there
that the tears on this paper serve to mark a new beginning
and that every time the sun rises we have another chance
to live freely and to love purely
and we are not merely pawns of corporations or governments
that we can choose how we will think, how we will act, how we will overcome!
because I am not content with what has been accepted
I cannot wander in the woods any longer
I will not stay in the darkness, shrouded by indecision
I will move into the light, I will share what I have learned
and receive what others have come to understand
simply put, I will SOLAR WIND, the VERB

and you know what
it’s real easy
it’s real easy to get down on yourself man
it’s real easy to believe what everyone else is telling you
everyone else is telling you “you can’t do it!”
“you can’t do it man, look at you, you can’t do it”
“how you ever gunna be a rapper?”
“how you ever gunna pursue your dreams?”
but you know…
if you have that passion inside of you
if you have that drive inside of you
if you have that belief inside of you
if you have that faith inside of you
there ain’t no one who can tell you what you CAN or CANNOT do man
i’m a believer, i’m a believer



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